Article Index


41. State any two tradition methods of catching fish in Uganda.

(b)Give any two reasons why modern methods of catching fish are commonly used in Lake Victoria.

42. (a) Name the continent from which Arab traders came.

(b)Give any two reasons why the early Arab traders settled at the coast of East Africa.

(c) State any one way in which the Arabs benefitted from their stay at the coast of East Africa.

43. (a) State any two reasons why the government carries out population census.

(b)Give any two reasons why the slopes of mountain Elgon have a high population.

44. State any two ways through which people show their culture

(b)Give any two reasons why people should promote culture in their area.

45. (a) What title is given to the person heading Bank of Uganda?

(b)Mention any two reasons why Bank of Uganda is important to the government.

(c) Give any one way in which a person benefits from keeping money in a Bank.

46. (a)Give any two causes of the Maji-Maji rebellion in Tnganyika.

(b)State any two ways in which the Maji-Maji rebellion benefitted the people of Tanganyika.

47. Stufy the sketch map of Uganda below and answer the questions that follow.

(a)Name the feature marked with letter

(i)B ………………………………………………………

(II)C …………………………………………………….

(b)Why are many people living around the feature Marked A?

(c)Which mineral is mined in the area marked D?

48. Match and re-write what is in Part A and that in Part B of the table provided in the spaces below.

Service provider Services
veterinary Officer produces crop and animal products
police officer buys and sells goods
trader treats animals
farmer keeps law and order

49. (a)Name any two physical features colonialists used to fix boundaries in East Africa.

(b)Sate any two problems that have been caused by the fixing of boundaries.

50. (a)Mention any two countries in Africa which experience the Mediterranean type of climate.

(b)Name any two crops grown in this type of climate.

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR the Islamic questions BUT NOT BOTH.

(a)What helped Jesus Christ to be successful when he was on earth?

(b)Give three factors that lead people to a successful life today

What helped Prophet Muhammad to be successful when he was on earth?

Mention any three factors that lead people to successful life today

Name the two materials used in Holy Communion by Christians

why are the above materials important in Christianity?

Give the titles these groups of people acquire after performing the pilgrimage

(i)Male muslims ……………………………………………………

(ii) Female moslems …………………………………………

(b)State any one reason why Muslims visit the tombs of medina

(c)mention any one Holy mosque that moslems visit in pilgrimage

(a) Who was the husband of Elizabeth?

(b)Mention the message angel Gabriel brought to Elizabeth’s husband.

(c)Why did Elizabeth’s husband doubt the message?

(d)what happened to Elizabeth’s husband when he doubted the message?

(a)who was Hadija’s las husband?

(b)Mention the first message angel Jibril brought to Hadijja’s las husband

(c)why was Hadijja’s last husband filled with fear when the angel appeared to him?

(d)What lesson do you learn from the first message brought to Hadijja’s last husband?

(a) Name any one of the apostles of Jesus Christ who was closest to him.

(b)Mention any one reason why Jesus Christ had apostles

(c)State any two ways in which a good Christian should behave

(a)Name any one companion of prophet Muhammad who was closest to him

(b)mention any one reason why prophet Muhammad had these companions

(c)state any two ways in which a good muslim should behave.

(a)what type of religion existed in Africa before the coming of Christianity?

(b)give any two ways in which believers of the religion in (a)above showed that there was life after death

(c)state any one reason why some Christians fear death

(a)what type of religion existed in Africa before the coming of Muslim?

(b)Give any two ways in which believers of the religion in (a) above showed that there was life after death

(c)state any two reasons why some muslims fear death


