Article Index


Sub-section I

In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill the blank space with the correct word or group of words.

1. They haven't met .........................................two years now.

2. He is a famous leader about ......................................many books have been written.

3. If he had been careful, the accident...............................happened.

4. ..............................................she works hard, she will not pass the examination.

5. The driver lost his because he................................hardly read or write.

In each of the questions 6 to 10, use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to complete the sentence.

6. Before his.........................................he visited many hospitals. (die)

7. The headmaster's ......................................was very complicated. (sign)

8. Lwantale the teacher for coming late. (apology)

9. Warm clothes people in cold areas. wear)

10. It rained ..................................yesterday. (heavy)

In each of questions 11 and 12, use each of the given words in a sentence to show that you know their different meanings.

11. Borrow

12. Lend

In each of the questions 13 and 14, re-arrange the given words to make a correct sentence.

13. I him to not today expect do come.

14. know to he her wanted age.

In each of the questions 15 to 17, write the given abbreviation in full.

15. Mr. ............................................................................................

16. e.g. ...........................................................................................

17. Won't .........................................................................................

In each of the questions 18 to 21, re-write the sentence giving the opposite of the word underlined.

18. The bride arrived late.

19. Some of those waitresses have a good job.

20. She reached the town before his arrival.

21. Get the chicken house ready for the cocks.

In each of the questions 22 to 25, re-write the sentence giving a single word for the underlined group of words.

22. The headmaster and all the teachers welcomed the guest of honor.

23. The office chairs, tables and stools must be kept in good condition.

24. The school singers and drum player entertained the visitors.

25. The Mabira trees and bushes should be protected by the government.

In each of the questions 26 to 30, re-write the sentence giving a singular form of the underlined word.

26. She told him to remove the fleas from his hair.

27. He brought the oxen at a very high price.

28. The mice ate all the groundnuts in the store.

29. The ladies arrived late for the party.

30. The knives got lost last week.