Article Index



51. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions which follow in full sentences.

Matilida is the daughter of Bulasio, the well known bicycle repairer in the village. She is the fourth child in the family. In august this year. Matilida turned twelve; she is now in P.7.

Each day, during the school term. Matilida walks to school, a distance of nearly three kilometers from home. She does so with many other children in the village. They have to walk fast and sometimes run to be in time for the school compound. Matilida and her friends have begun each day like this since they were in P.1. They do it without complaining because they know that general cleaning of the school is part of the daily routine.

One day after school, Matilida and her friends started walking back home. They had just gone beyond the local market when it started raining heavily, but they continued their journey home. They got worried about their books becoming wet because each one of them carried her books in a small polythene bag. As it continued raining heavily, Matilida and her friends started running. Matilida was ahead of the others, showing them where to pass on the wet ground. As they passed near a small rock. Matilida slipped on one hidden in a pool of water and fell with all her books. It was still raining heavily. Everyone stopped to help her. She was all covered in mud. She was lucky that the polythene big was properly tied. Minutes later, it stopped raining.

They now decided to walk slowly and as they reached their village, each took the path to her home. When Matilida reached home, her mother was unhappy to see her looking like a ghost. She helped her to change her clothes.

Afterwards Matilida pulled out everything from her polythene bag. She noticed that her pen and pencil were missing. They must have fallen in the pool. Then she saw a hole in her polythene bag! Although it started raining heavily again. Matilida decided to run back to the place where she had fallen in the pool of water.

a) How old is Matilida?

b) How does Matilida get to school early?

c) Gives a reason why Matilida and her friends have to reach the school early.

d) Why did Matilida and her friends start running home after school?

e) Why did Matilida fall into the pool of water?

f) How did her friends show that they loved Matilida?

g) Give another word or group of words with the same meaning as the word or words underlined in the passage.

(i) Daily routine.

(ii) Ghost

h) Suggest a suitable TITLE for this passage.

52. The sentences below are not in their proper order. Re-arrange them so that they form a good composition about the election of the president of Uganda.

1. This was not so in the past years.

2. The new constitution of Uganda now says that all Ugandans who are registered voters can vote for any presidential candidate they like.

3. The year 1996 will be remembered as one of the most important years in the history of Uganda.

4. This now means that any Ugandan who became president has very big support from many Ugandans.

5. This is so because it was the year when Ugandans directly elected their president for the first time.

6. Uganda has, therefore, became one of the countries in the world where the people themselves decide who should be their president.

7. Why is it so?

8. Most people believe that this good for Uganda.

9. This is not so ant more.

10. In those years, anyone who was leader of the party which won elections to parliament became the president of Uganda.

53. Below is a short passage of two paragraphs. Re-write and PUNCTUATE the passage correctly in the space provided.

during janes successful party held at the main hall may people got drunk. i personally ate a lot of meat and there were so many other things to eat. Among the many things fish was not the best for me i had terrible diarrhea which made me very weak and sick. asiimwe, my friend came to check on me on the following day.

54. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow in full sentences.

Cassava, cassava, cassava,

Cassava everywhere;

Cassava in every garden,

Every garden green with it,

Every garden heavy with it,

It was a cassava year.


A swarm of red visitors flew in,

Cassava hosts entertained them,

And warm hospitality it was,

For the visitors soon forgot,

The way that had brought them,

And decided to stay for ever.


Day and night their mission was,

To feed, drink, sleep and mate;

They slept intoxicated with drink and food,

Until their bellies gave way to babies;

Soon young one crawled everywhere,

Living to eat, in a foreign country.


The fathers, mother, daughters and sons,

Declared war on their hosts and

Their children whom they killed

Mercilessly destruction.



Always too

Short for the diligent,

Always too

Much for the indolent.


Intoxicated = drunk

Diligent = hardworking

Indolent = lazy

a) Give one reason why you think that it was a cassava year.

b) Suggest who the visitors were.

c) Why did the visitors forget the way that brought them?

d) What happened to the cassava gardens in the end?

e) Suggest a reason why time is always too short for the diligent.

f) Why do you think is always too long for the indolent?

g) Give another word which has the same meaning as the word underlined in the poem:

(i) Hospitality

(ii) Bellies

(iii) Intoxicated

h) Suggest a suitable title for this poem.

55. Peter was a candidate in primary leaving examinations. The results have been released. Jacob meets peter a day later. Below are the question Jacob asked peter.

Complete, in full sentences, what you think were peter's answers.

Jacob: You look sad, what is the matter?

Peter: ......................................................................................................

Jacob: What was the cause of your poor performance in the PLE?

Peter: .......................................................................................................

Jacob: What is that reason?

Peter: ...................................................................................................

Jacob: Why did you stay out school for a whole term?

Peter: ...................................................................................................

Jacob: Why didn't your father buy the school uniform for you?

Peter: ...................................................................................................

Jacob: Why did he go to Britain?

Peter: ....................................................................................................

Jacob: How did you get the money to buy the uniform when your father went to Britain for studies?

Peter: ........................................................................................................

Jacob: What a kind uncle! You're going to repeat P.7, aren't you?

Peter: ........................................................................................................

Jacob: I wish you success.

Peter: ...........................................................................................................

Jacob: Good bye.

Peter: ..............................................................................................................