Article Index


Sub-section I

In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill the blank space with the correct word(s)

1. I .........................................not met my friend for two years now.

2. ..........................................of these pens belongs to you?

3. Mother loves her baby very much...........................................she?

4. He asked me name was.

5. Take care not to lean....................................that dirty wall.

In each of the questions 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to complete the sentence.

6. At least one plane........................................over our school everyday.(fly)

7. My hen.............................................six eggs last week. (lay)

8. It is rain today.(like)

9. The..............................................took place in the market.(rob)

10. The sun is a............................................source of light.(nature)

11. The boy walked out of the examination room.................................(quiet)

12. His...................................was very long.(explain)

13. While you were reading a book, I was.................................a letter.(write)

14. I hope they will not hurt them.........................................(self)

15. I feed the baby.(she)

In questions 16 and 17, use each of the given words in a sentence to show that you know the difference in their meaning.

16. Live

17. Leave

In each of the questions 18 and 19, re-write the given sentence, giving the plural form of the underlined word.

18. We have painted the chimney of our factory.

19. She usually looks at the passer-by.

20. The mouse ate all the groundnuts.

In each of the questions 21 to 23, re-write the given sentence, using a single word that has the same meaning as the underlined group of words.

21. Children are not allowed to go to the place where food is cooked.

22. People are advised to eat a lot of mangoes, principles and oranges.

23. There were many sick people in the hospital.

In each of the questions 24 to 26, write the given abbreviations in full.

24. Jan ....................................................................................

25. T.V .....................................................................................

26. Sch.....................................................................................

In each of the questions 27 and 28, arrange the given words in the correct alphabetical order.

27. Milk, meet, mill, meat.

28. Spoon, spill, spend, spell.

In each of the questions 29 and 30, re-arrange the given words to make a correct sentence.

29. Pleased headmaster's the very minister with report The was.

30. Father my old years eighty is.