Article Index


In each of the question 1 to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word.

1. When ..................................................the next lesson beginning?

2. The dog ...........................................leg was broken by Opio, died yesterday.

3. Paul did not know do when a lion attacked him.

4. How ...............................................sugar do you want to buy?

5. He has lived in Kampala ...................................the last two years.

In each of the questions 6 to 15, use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to complete the sentence.

6. The candidates answered the questions ................................................. (proper)

7. He was advised to change his .............................................................. (behave)

8. Mutumba ..................................................................a good song last week. (sing)

9. The new students of Kings College Buddo have received their ...............................letters (admit)

10. She is the ........................................of the two girls. (clever)

11. The new words were ...........................................................spelt by her. (correct)

12. The boy was sent away from school because he was ..........................(hope)

13. The more the teachers talked, the ............................... I understood. (little)

14. Woollen clothes are mostly people.

15. It is rain today. (like)

In each of the questions 16 and 17, arrange the given words in alphabetical order.

16. Blank, blade, black, blanket.

17. Pain, pair, pail, paint.

In each of the questions 18 and 19, re-arrange the given words to form a sentence correctly.

18. Good a Can life man a lead lazy?

19. Wife neighbour's gave My twins to birth.

In each of the questions 20 to 22, re-write the sentence giving one word for the underlined group of words.

20. There were many sick people in the hospital.

21. He stayed in Tanzania for a period of seven days.

22. All the children whose parents are dead were given blankets at school.

In each of the questions 23 and 24, use each of the given words in a sentence to show that you know that the different in their meaning.

23. Live

24. Leave

In each of the questions 25 and 26, write the given abbreviation in full.

25. P.T.O

26. Capt

In each of the questions 27 and 28, write the plural form of the given word.

27. County

28. Cloth

In each of the questions 29 and 30, re-write the sentence giving the opposite form of the underlined word.

29. There were beggars at the exit of the chuch.

30. The city is full of ancient buildings