Article Index


  • In a class of 41 pupils, 30 play football (F), t play Netball (N) and 5 play both football and Netball. 3 pupils do not play any of the two games.

    (a)Use the above information to complete the venn diagram below.

    (b)Find the value of t

  • (a)Write 955 in roman numerals.

    (b)Find the product of the value of 2 and the value of 8 in the number 4820

  • (a)Simplify    0.12 x 5.4
                         0.03 x 0.6
    (b)Express the recurring decimal 0.5454… a common fraction.

  • The exchange rates in a bank are as follows

    1 US dollar ($)=Ug. Sh 3,400

    1 British pound Sterling (€) = Ug sh 4,600

    1 Kenya shilling ( Ug. Sh 35

    (a)convert Ug. Sh 1,840,000 to British ound sterling.

    (b)If a set of chairs costs $700, find the equivalent cost of the chairs in Kenya shillings.

  • Study the figure below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

    (a)Find the value of g

    (b)Calculate the size of the angle RST

  • The figure below represents a rectangular floor which is covered by square tiles of area 400 cm2 each. Use it to answer the questions that follow


    (a)Find the area of the rectangular floor

    (b)Calculate the perimeter of the rectangular floor

  • A taxi driver left town A for town B at 10:30am. Driving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The driver reached town B at 2:00 p.m

    (a)calculate the time taken by the driver to reach town B

    (b)find the distance between town A and town B

  • Hajati bought 120 shares from a village SACCO at a simple interest rate of 30% per year. Each share costs sh 3,000

    (a)Find her total interest after 3 ½ years

    (b)calculate the total amount of money Hajat has in the SACCO after the 3½ years.

  • The pie chart below shows how pupils of Mpaata Primary School are distributed in various clubs in the school.

    Use it to answer the questions that follow

    (a)There are 216 pupils in debating club. Find the total number of pupils in the school

    (b)Express the number of pupils in the debating club as a percentage of the whole school.

  • A cylindrical tank of diameter 70cm contains water to a height of 100 cm

    find in litres the amount of water the tank contains (Use π22/7)

  • (a)Given that m= 3k and k=5, find the value of 2k + 6m

    (b)Write the solution set for the inequality: 6≤ x ≤ 10

  • A school library is 70 metres east of the main hall.the staff room is 60 metres from the library on a bearing of 240%

    (a)Using a scale of 1cm to represent 10 metres, show the three places o an accurate diagram.

    (b)Find the shortest distance between the main hall and the staff room.

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