1. A Remittances Book is used for recording

A. Incoming mail

B. Money received in the mail.

C. Letters for posting.

D. Petty cash transactions.

2. What is a stapling machine used for?

A. Making holes

B. Opening envelopes.

C. Putting postage impressions.

D. Pinning papers together.

3. A cheque that can be cashed at the counter is called

A. An open cheque

B. A post-dated cheque

C. A dishonoured cheque

D. A stale cheque

4. The officer in-charge of staff welfare in an organization is called

A. An office attendant

B. A production manager

C. An office junior

D. A personnel manager

5. Who prepares payment vouchers in the accounts office?

A. A chief accountant

B. A purchasing officer.

C. A petty cashier.

D. An officer supervisor.

6. The cost of sending an inland telegram depends on the

A. Number of words used

B. Time of sending

C. Choice of words

D. Distance covered.

7. The following methods of payment can be used to give pension to a retired employee except

A. A cheque

B. A standing order.

C. Cash

D. A postal order.

8. What information can be obtained from the post office guide?

A. Services offered by the post office.

B. Names of subscribers to the post office.

C. Names of post office workers.

D. Time for opening the post office.

9. The head teacher wrote to the heads of department requesting for ideas to be discussed at a meeting. What the head teacher actually needed was the

A. Memo

B. Programme

C. Minutes

D. Agenda.

10. A dialing tone indicates that the

A. Line is free

B. Telephone is faulty

C. Number called is ringing

D. Number called is engaged.


11. Name any three methods of classification used in filing.

12. List any three pieces of information found in a letter of inquiry.

13. Give three examples of documents which can be prepared using carbon papers.

14. State any three reasons for keeping up-to-date records of stationary in an organization.

15. Mention any three mail services offered by the post office.

16. Name any three factors to be considered when choosing office furniture.

17. State the three main headings of the columns in an invoice.

18. From which source would each of the following information be obtained?

(i) Pronunciation of an English word.

(ii)Location of a city.

(iii)Each day's appointments.

19. State any three reasons for face-to-face interviews.

20. Mention any three advantages of sending a message by telex.


21. (a) Differentiate between an agenda and minutes of a meeting.

(b) Explain the three requirements of good minutes of a meeting.

(c)Why is a description of the meeting important when recording minutes?

22. (a) When would the following be used :

(i) Reply coupons,

(ii)Money order.

(b) Explain the procedure followed when applying for a money order to be issued.

(c) What is a Business Reply Service as used by the post office?

23. (a) apart from carbon copying and photocopying, mention any three other duplicating methods used in offices.

(b)Explain six factors to be considered when choosing a method of duplicating.

24.(a) Define centralized filing.

(b) Give four reasons why organizations would choose centralized filing?

(c) Outline five characteristics of a good filing system.

25. (a) when would each of the following documents be used:

(i)Reception register,

(ii)Business card?

(b)Outline any six pieces of information that should be included in an advertisement for the post of receptionist.

(c )List any five personal qualities to be looked for in an applicant for a job of a receptionist.

26.(a) What two purposes in each case are the following paper sizes used for:

(i) A4

(ii) A6?

(b) Give any three reasons why a stationery requisition form is important in an office.

( c) Outline any five consumable office stationery.