Answer all questions from this section. In the box provided, write the letter which represents the correct answer.

1. The most suitable material for kitchen wall covering is

A. Linoleum.

B. Hardwood.

C. Ceramic tiles.

D. Rubber.

2. At freezing point, yeast is

A. Retarded

B. Active

C. Killed

D. Dormant

3. The methods of cooking that promote leaching of soluble vitamins in vegetables into water are

A. Boiling, braising and stewing.

B. Boiling, baking and stewing.

C. Braising, roasting and grilling.

D. Grilling, stewing and roasting.

4. The main reason for preserving food is to

A. Ensure long shelf-life.

B. Make it more palatable.

C. Give it more flavor.

D. Improve its food value.

5. Which of the following options are used for testing the setting of jam?

(i) Wrinkle test.

(ii) Flake test.

(iii) Pectin test.

(iv) Temperature test.

A. (i), (ii), (iii)

B. (i), (ii), (iv)

C. (i), (iii), (iv)

D. (ii), (iii), (iv)

6. The nutrients lacking in meat is

A. Fat

B. Iron

C. Vitamin B

D. Calcium

7. Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the

A. Mouth

B. Stomach

C. Duodenum

D. Ileum

8. Which of the following sets of information is true about food for invalids? It

(i) Should not be greasy

(ii) Should be served attractively

(iii) Should be served in small quantities

(iv) Should be highly spiced to arouse appetite

A. (i), (ii), (iv)

B. (ii), (iii), (iv)

C. (i), (ii), (iii)

D. (i), (iii),(iv)

9. Which of the following statements are true about convenience foods? They...

1. Save time and energy in preparation

2. Are limited in variety

3. Have long shelf life

4. Are economical in use

A. 1, 2 and 3

B. 1, 3 and 4

C. 2, 3 and 4

D. 1, 2 and 4

10. The vitamin that ensures good skin condition, healthy digestive system and clear vision is

A. Retinol

B. Riboflavin

C. Niacin

D. Thiamine

11. One of the following statement is NOT true about kitchen cloths

A. A kitchen cloth may be made or rayon.

B. Kitchen cloths should be easy to lauder.

C. Tea towels made of linen are good for drying glasses.

D. Kitchen cloths are boiled to disinfect them.

12. One of the following diseases results from deficiency of niacin in the body

A. Beriberi

B. Pernicious anaemia

C. Paralysis

D. Pellagra

13. Useful bacteria are utilized in the process of

A. Pasteurizing milk

B. Yoghurt making

C. Homogenizing milk

D. Bacon curing

14. One of the following guidelines is NOT important when choosing saucepans for the home.

A. Expensive saucepans are the best quality.

B. Buy thick walled saucepan with flat base

C. Consider the size of the family before buying.

D. Buy the best quality that can be afforded.

15.One way of minimizing accidents in the kitchen is to

A. Use topmost shelves for heavy items.

B. Regularly polish the floor.

C. Keep heavy items within easy reach.

D. Avoid using a stop ladder.

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE about using a refrigerator?

A. Pack foods closely together in the cabinet to retain the cold temperature.

B. Food placed in the refrigerator should be covered to avoid loss of moisture.

C. Clean by washing with warm water and bicarbonate of soda.

D. Avoid putting hot food in the refrigerator.

17. To avoid food contamination,

A. Use cold water and detergent to wash up.

B. Always empty and clean rubbish bins

C. Food preparation equipment should be smooth and easy to clean.

D. Food handlers should be free of infection.

18. One of the following sets of spices can be used both in sweet and savoury dishes.

A. Cinnamon and ginger

B. Vanilla and ginger

C. Vanilla and cloves

D. Vanilla and mace

19................................. is used in making alcoholic beverages.

A. Wheat

B. Rice

C. Oats

D. Barley

20. What is "flakiness" in pastry making?

A. Separation of gluten and starch by fat.

B. Prevention of clumping of flour particles by fat.

C. Fat prevents drying up of pastry mixture.

D. Fat separates gluten molecules in pastry mixture.

For question 21, write your responses in the spaces provided.

21. a) Why is ventilation important in the kitchen?

(i) ..................................................................................................................

(ii) .........................................................................................................................

(iii) .....................................................................................................................

b) Name three ways of introducing air into a cake mixture.

(i) .....................................................................................................................

(ii) ..................................................................................................................


c) What is the difference between a herb and a spice?

Herb .......................................................................................................................

Spice .....................................................................................................................

d) The fats in eggs and milk are highly ............. therefore they are easy to digest.

e) The two animal proteins of high nutritional value?

g) The product of cooking equal quantities of fat and flour before adding a liquid is known as.......

h) State five conditions which would lead to loss of vitamins during food preparation.

(i) .........................................................................................................................

(ii) .........................................................................................................................


(iv) ...............................................................................................................

(v) ..............................................................................................................

i) List four ways of economizing on fuel in the kitchen.

(i) .....................................................................................................

(ii) .....................................................................................................

(iii) ......................................................................................................

(iv) .......................................................................................................

j) Give two reasons why starchy foods are not suitable for making stock.

(i) .....................................................................................................................................

(ii) ....................................................................................................................................

k) Mention four advantages of using gas as a fuel.

(i) ...................................................................................................................................

(ii) ..................................................................................................................................

(iii) .................................................................................................................................


l) The stiffening of meat (flesh) after death or slaughtering of an animal is known as .................................................

m) State four factors which influence body metabolism.

(i) ....................................................................................................................................

(ii) ...................................................................................................................................

(iii) ..................................................................................................................................


n) During roasting of meat, the meat is constantly order to prevent the surface from ............................while cooking.

Answer only one question from this section.

22. a) What is dietary fiber?

b) Give three sources of dietary fiber.

c) Explain the functions of dietary fiber and possible results of its dietary deficiency.

23. a) define the following nutrition related terms:

(i) ingestion,

(ii) absorption,

(iii) Deamination.

b) Describe the process of digestion and absorption of fats in the body.

c) Outline the uses of fats and oils in cookery.


Answer only two questions from this section.

24. a) State ways of maintaining the following equipment in good condition.

(i) Plastic refuse bin,

(ii) An electric cooker,

(iii) Kitchen tea towels.

b) Describe how you wash up after a main meal.

25. a) Compare and contrast stewing and steaming methods of cooking.

b) Explain three methods of cooking fish using moist methods.

26. a) What are the uses of milk in food preparation?

b) List various precautions that are taken to ensure safety of fresh milk for human consumption.

c) Explain the points to bear in mind when preparing and cooking cheese to facilitate easy digestion.

27. a) Differentiate between food spoilage and food poisoning.

b) What are the favorable conditions for micro organisms responsible for food spoilage?

c) How can schools minimize food poisoning?



1. a) Using short crust pastry for one of the dishes, prepare, cook and serve main course of a mid-day meal for three teenagers.

b) Make fresh salad for their dessert.

c) Prepare chocolate biscuits and serve with African tea on a tray.

2. a) show your skills in making the following:

(i) beef casserole,

(ii) baked potatoes,

(iii) Fresh vegetable salad.

b) Make two other accompaniments for the dishes in (a) above to complete a balanced and satisfying meal for a family of four.

c) Prepare steamed pudding and serve with suitable sauce.

3. Two visitors from England are staying with you.

a) Prepare and serve English breakfast for them.

b) Make two dishes utilizing local foods to be served as dessert for lunch later.

c) Make banana fritters with suitable sauce to be served as dessert for lunch.

4. a) Demonstrate your skills in making the following items.

(i) Chelsea buns,

(ii) Oven scones,

(iii) Cheese sauce.

b) Prepare and cook suitable accompaniments for the cheese sauce in a (iii) above to complete the main course of a meal for a manual worker.

c) Prepare Cornish pasties.

5. a) Show your cookery skills in using two packaged convenience foods as part of an interesting three course meal for your grandmother.

b) Make a Victoria sandwich cake for her.

6. a) Prepare a suitable main course for supper of your lacto vegetarian sister.

b) Make a sponge fruit flan and serve with a suitable sauce.

c) Make biscuits using melting methods to be served for evening tea.

7. a) Show your skills in cookery by preparing the following dishes for display on your school open day.

(i) Soufflé.

(ii) Fruit cocktail.

(iii) Marble cake.

(iv) Baked stuffed potatoes.

(v) Sausage rolls.

b) Prepare two food items suitable for evening snack.

8. a) Prepare, cook and serve one interesting dish from each of the following food stuffs.

(i) Any cereal.

(ii) Pulses.

(iii) Fruits.

b) Complete a two-course meal for an expectant mother by preparing other dishes to accompany the dishes in (a) above.

c) Make a banana cake for evening tea.