1. a) Explain the factors that led to the expansion of the Dutch Cape colony towards the interior of South Africa up to 1795
b) What were the effects of this expansion on the peoples of South Africa?

2. a) Why did the Boers igrate from the Cape colony to the interior between 1835 and 1842?
b) How did the Boer migration into the interior of South Africa affect the people of South Africa?

3.a) Describe the achievements of Cetewayo for the Zulu between 1840 and 1884
b) What problems did Cetewayo face during that period?

4.a) Why did the Christian missionaries come to South Africa during the early 19th Century?
b) Explain the effects of their activities on the peoples of South Africa.

5.a) What were the terms of the Vereeniging Treaty of 1902?
b) How did this treaty affect the Whites in South Africa?

6.a) Explain the causes of the conflicts between the British and the Basuto between 1880 and 1881.
b) What were the consequences of these conflicts?

7. a) Why did the British declare a protectorate over Swaziland by 1903?
b) What problems did the Swazi people face after the declaration?

8a) Explain the causes of the Soweto uprising of 1976.
b) What were the results of the uprising?