1. Specimens E and F are commonly used in a farm workshop.

a) Basing on the observed features, state the function of each specimen
b) Describe how each specimen is used.

2. Specimens H1 and H2 are used in livestock management. Examine them and answer the questions that follow.
a) State the function of each specimen.
b) Explain how any two observable features on each specimen enable it to perform its function.
c) Describe the procedure of using each specimen to perform its function
d) Suggest any two precautions that should be taken when using each specimen.

3. Specimens J,K and L are common plants found on range lands.
a) Classify the specimens into three groups according to their economic importance.
b) State one effect of each specimen on the quality of range land.
c) Explain one likely negative effect of feeding a lactating cow with each of the specimens K and L
d) Basing on observable features, suggest with a reason one method of propagating each specimen.

4. You are provided with specimens A and B which are extracts from fertilizers.
a) Use them to carry out tests in Table 1. Record your observations and deductions in the Table.
Table 1




i) Put 1cm3 of A in a test tube, add 5 pieces of copper turnings followed by four drops of concentrated sulphuric acid and warm.

ii) Put 1cm3 of B in a test tube, add 3 drops of dilute nitric acid followed by silver nitrate solution

b) From your results suggest the possible fertilizer from which each extract was obtained.

c) Basing on the major nutrient identified in each extract, suggest with a reason, the extract most suitable to apply for growing leafy vegetable crops.
d) Suggest two ways of applying the fertilizer from which each extract was obtained. Give a reason for your answer.

5. You are provided with specimens C and D which are livestock products.
a) Measure 50cm3 of specimen C and pour it in a beaker. Add one spatula of ascorbic acid into the beaker, stir and leave for 3 minutes. Line a funnel with muslin cloth and place it on 100cm3 measuring cyclinder. Pour the contents of the beaker into the funnel and record the volume of the filtrate and solids after dripping has stopped, in Table 1.

Repeat the procedure with specimen D
Table 1


Volume of filtrate (cm3)

Volume of solids (cm3



b) i) State the role of ascorbic acid in the experiment.
ii) Calculate the percentage composition of solids in each of the specimens C and D
c) Basing on the results in (b) (ii), give the suitability of each specimen C and D for feeding calves.
d) i) Name the filtrate produced in the experiment carried out in (a)
ii) Give one product that can be made from the solids produced after filtration in (a)