1. Examine ‘he Qur’ânic teachings on the following:

(a) Marriage contract,

(b) Divorce

2. ‘The battle of Yamamah was so fierce that it claimed lives of a number of senior companions. However, it was a blessing in disguise as it caused the process of compilation of the Qur’ân to start.’ Discuss.

3. Explain the Qur’ânic teachings on Monotheism.

4. .God talked to Musa through one of the modes of revelation.

(a)Give an account of the events of that revelation.

(b)Examine other modes of revelation.

5. Surat Luqmān contains verses that are helpful in bringing up a child. Basing on these verses and others, explain the way a Muslim child should be brought up

6. Women were liberated from the time the Qur’ān was revealed 14 centuries ago. With the help of Qur’ānic teachings, assess the validity of this statement.

7. To what extent do the Qur’ānic teachings on Zakat address the economic needs of Muslims?

8. Basing on Surat al Tin, examine the characteristics of man and the prospects of his salvation.

9. .Analyse the circumstances under which Surat al Fil was revealed.

10. .Explain the Qur’ānic teachings on International Relations

11.Giving the correct measurements and weights is not only right but also advantageous to a businessman’ Basing on Qu’rānic teachings, discuss the above statement.

12. Discuss the Qur’ānic teachings on oppression and suppression