1. Account for the occurrence of the Reign of Terror in France between 1792 and 1794.

  2. Why was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) established in 1949?

  3. Explain the significance of the 1871 Treaty of Frankfrut in the history of Europe.

  4. Describe the methods used by Otto von Bismarck to isolate France between 1871 and 1890.

  5. Assess the impact of the 1830 Belgian Revolution on Europe.

  6. Account for the failure of the 1919 Versailles Settlement to bring about lasting peace in Europe.

  7. Assess the achievements of the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1934.

  8. Examine the causes and effects of the 1912 – 1913 Balkan wars.

  9. ‘Economic factors were primarily responsible for the outbreak of the 1917 Russian revolutions.’ Discuss.

  10. To what extent did the American involvement in World War II contribute to the defeat of the Axis Powers?