1. Examine the achievements of East African Community (EAC) up to 1977


2.Account for the failure of settler plantation farming in Tanganyika during the colonial period


3. How did the social and economic organization of the Maasai affect her neighbors during the 19th century?


4.Explain the causes of the low level of social and economic development in any one country in East Africa since independence


5.Explain the role by the Banyoro in the long distance trade during the early 19th century


6. How did the construction of the Suez Canal affect the economic ans social development of East Africa up tp indepencence?


7. Describe the social and economic organization of the Nyamwezi during the second half of the 19th Century


8. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the Trade Union Movement in Uganda during the colonial period


9. To what extent was policy of ‘Education for self-reliance’ in Tanzania successful?


10. Analyse the economic and social developments in Kenya between 1920 and 1945