1.Examine the causes of the 1971 military coup in Uganda

2. ‘Economic factors were primarily responsible for the 1980 coup in Liberia’. Discuss

3. Analyse the manifestations of neo-colonialism in any one independent west African country

4. To what extent was the French system of administration responsible for the outbreak of the 1954 civil war in Algeria?

5. How successful was South Africa’s policy of Dialogue between 1965 and 1975?

6. Describe the social and economic developments in any one independent West African country up to 1970

7. Explain the role played by Kiswahilli in fostering national unity in Tanzania since 1961

8. Account for the raise Mengistu Mariam to power in Ethiopia in 1974

9. Discuss the recommendations of the 1944 Brazzaville Conference

10. To what extent was colonial rule in Africa responsible for the development of African Nationalism?