1. (a) Analyze the dangers of corruption in the Church today.
    (b) What measures should Christian leaders take to fight corruption in society?

2. (a) Discuss the traditional African understanding of the family.
    (b) How has the pattern of family life changed since the coming of the missionaries?

3. (a) How did the missionaries’ activities in East Africa influence the status of the African woman in the family?
    (b) Discuss the Christian teaching on responsibilities in the family
4. Examine the factors that facilitated Christian missionary work in East Africa.

5. To what extent were the “Freed Slave Centres” (Christian villages) as a method of evangelization by missionaries in East Africa successful?

6. Account for the religious confusion in the court of the Kabaka towards the end of the 19th Century.

7. .(a) Explain the way in which traditional Africans approached the spirit word.
     (b) Compare this traditional African approach to that of the Christians.

8. Despite Islam coming to Uganda earlier than Christianity, it still registers fewer adherents. Discuss.

9. (a) Examine the causes of the rise and growth of the African Independent Churches in East Africa.
(b) What are the main characteristics of the African Independent Churches?

10. Assess the contribution of the East African Revival Movement to the growth and development of the Church in Uganda.

11. Assess the contribution of the Uganda Joint Christian Council to society.

12.(a) Analyze the meaning of initiation in the traditional African Society.
(b) Why is baptism significant in the Christian Faith?